Compensation for bicycle after destroying a polluting car

We invite you to take advantage of the support of the Ministry of the Environment: after destroying your old and polluting car, get compensation of up to 1000 euros .

Measure: Promotion of public transport and other alternative less polluting means of mobility for individuals

Applications can be submitted from 2024-01-16 8:00 a.m. until  2025-12-31 15:45 p.m. Applications will be accepted until there will be  enough funds for compensations.

Estimated funding: 8 million euros

You can fill out applications here:


In order to benefit from APVA support, several steps must be taken:

   1. Destroy your old car (see Requirements for an old vehicle and applicant, on the APVA page) and obtain a certificate of destruction

   2. Buy a bike/bikes in the store (no more than 2 pcs.) You can find all the bikes we sell:

   3. You submit an application at

   4. Get compensation up to 1000 euros



All information:

How to join APVIS to fill out an application: